Happy 2018!
Before I begin my message I just wanted to say thanks to all of you! We weathered our first season, could not have done so successfully without our great staff and guests! We learned a lot. It was our goal to keep the business running as it had in the past to fully understand what was working…and not, before making any changes. And we now can plan for 2018 using that experience. That being said the learning will continue as we move through each year. Thanks again for your loyalty and patience with us as we move through our next adventure!
I have know this but have once again been reminded that blogging is a job unto itself….I just took a look at the site and noticed that I had not blogged since the fall, my bad!
A New Year always has one thinking about what to improve upon, well I have just found another one of my tasks on which to improve.
All four of us, Tony, Ross, Clarissa and I have a list of tasks for the year, what we need to accomplish before we reopen in April and beyond. We are diligently working on our lists, which at times seem endless however every day we cross something off…well at least part of something.
We have been mentioning that one of our projects will be the renovation of some of the rooms so I have posted a few of videos documenting our renovation progress to date. You can also track them on YouTube via Bradley Inn Channel.
Keep in touch, we always love to hear from you!